OpenVMS - How to add SAN disk for System DUMP
Assumption : We have taken SAN disk with LUN ID : DGA2021, You may choose any SAN with available LUN ID. 1. Initialize the disk init $1$dga2021: /cluster=16 /header=100000/limit/owner=system/nohigh m_dump 2. Mount the disk with proper Volume label mount/system $1$dga2021: m_dump m_dump 3. Create Directory for proper path create/dir m_dump:[sys0.sysexe] 4. Create DUMP.DMP file using SYSGEN Utility mc sysgen create m_dump:[sys0.sysexe]sysdump.dmp /size=12000000 /cont 5. Verify DUMP.DMP file size which is recently created using SYSGEN utility dir/size=all m_dump:[sys0.sysexe]sysdump.dmp 6. ...